Where the cast of ‘8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter’ is now

Where the cast of ‘8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter’ is now

If there’s one thing we’re sure of it’s that America isn’t short of sitcoms. No matter how many of these shows end, there are always new ones to take their place. They might not be as successful as their predecessors, but they still do the job of keeping millions of viewers entertained every week.

One show that had that responsibility in the early 2000s was 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter. The sitcom managed three seasons on ABC, during which time it generated a lot of media attention. Those who watched the show will remember that John Ritter, the actor who played Paul Hennessy, passed away during the filming of the second season. His loss was a massive shock and changed the face of the show forever.

However, while Ritter’s passing might be what the program became known for, there was more to it than this real-life tragedy. It introduced us to so many talented stars, both old and new, and gave us three years of hilarious comedy. The question is, what happened to everyone after the series ended?

[post_page_title]Martin Spanjers as Rory Hennessy[/post_page_title]

Rory was the stereotypical young brother in the Hennessy family. He loved causing mischief and tattling on his sisters, even though he loved them deep down. The boy couldn’t get enough of his pranks, and he sometimes had a very dark sense of humor.

Martin Spanjers as Rory Hennessy

However, he was also in touch with his emotions, as evidenced by his reaction to losing his father. Paul’s passing meant he became the man of the house, and that forced Rory to grow up.

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