Wedding cake flops that made even the bride and groom facepalm

[post_page_title]Cake for days[/post_page_title]

If anyone ever tries to tell you that there’s such a thing as too much cake, it’s probably time to cut them out of your life. No-one needs that kind of negative energy around them. When it comes to desserts, nothing beats a nice slice of cake. Or two slices. Or just a whole cake… it’s too good to resist! Of course, as much as we love it, we’re wondering if this couple were perhaps a little too ambitious when it came to their wedding.

Cake for days

There are at least a dozen different cakes piled on top of each other here, and they’re somehow all staying in place. We wouldn’t want to be the person responsible for moving this creation, or even the one cutting into it. Where would you start? There’s a little too much choice here, although at least the individual cakes all look pretty.

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