Stories that prove Marvel actors don’t shy away from challenges while making their films

[post_page_title]Chris Pratt’s dietary sacrifices[/post_page_title]

Hollywood stars acquire amazing physiques the same way the rest of the world does – with exercise and dieting. That’s exactly what Chris Pratt had to do for the role of Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy. Although his lovable “teddy bear” energy was perfect for his character on Parks and Recreation, the MCU producers wanted him to look more like a superhero – so they enlisted a trainer and a nutritionist to help him burn some fat.

Star-Lord’s real life sacrifices

He was 300 pounds when he auditioned, and six months later they had helped him lose 60 pounds. They forced him to stop drinking beer, and put him through intense workouts. Although it was hard for Pratt, he said he loved getting ripped.

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