Where are these famous women from the ’90s we had crushes on now?

[post_page_title]The ‘90s – Fairuza Balk[/post_page_title]

Fairuza Balk starred as the crazed leader of her coven of witches in supernatural drama The Craft. She returned to the big screen in two of the decade’s other major films; comedy The Waterboy and drama American History X.

[post_page_title]Today – Fairuza Balk[/post_page_title]

Fairuza Balk now does a lot of voice work, she has featured on video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and on TV shows Family Guy and Justice League. Balk gave the world of music a try and released a 2010 track titled Stormwinds, under the title of Armed Love Militia.

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