The top 5 most useful scientific tools

For all the people who either study or teach science, there are certain tools that they swear by and simply cannot work without. When you are working in a lab you are surrounded by useful instruments. From a simple Petri dish to large machines, everything is essential for the proper and regular functioning of the lab. For every experiment you need a different combination of tools, so we have put together a list of the he basic essentials that every science lab or scientist should have.


When you’re planning to conduct a science experiment, you should make sure you have a PC or laptop computer on hand. When you are working, you need to keep tabs on every single little change happening in your experiment. A notepad is used for the initial collection of the data but the final draft is prepared on the computer. In addition, you can write and print your own research paper as well. A computer with an internet connection is best, helping you to keep tabs efficiently and make tables, charts, and graphs. It is also easier to compare results of a series of experiments on your computer. On top of that, if you are a teacher, you can use presentations and videos to better explain the various phenomena to your students.

The top 5 most useful scientific tools

First aid

First aid may not be considered a scientific tool, but it is still a crucial part of the lab because when you are doing experiments, dangerous accidents can occur. So, it is important to wear lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles. Make sure that you have a fire extinguisher in your lab and always be armed with a first aid kit. Safety of the person doing the experiment and all the other people in the lab should be given utmost priority.


Most experiments involve some kind of heating, whether you are in physics lab, or doing chemistry, or biology. Sometimes, simply the mixing of a solution occurs at a particular temperature. Therefore, instruments such as a Bunsen burner, a hot plate, and a water bath are essential.


The next scientific tool seems obvious, but we tend to not give it enough credit – the good old flask. Flasks and beakers used in the labs are made of Borosil, which makes them strong enough to withstand extremely high and cold temperatures without breaking. They are essential for holding all the liquids for our experiments, and due to their high tolerance for various temperatures, can be easily heat sterilized or heated without fear of breakage.

The top 5 most useful scientific tools


Finally, we have the balance. Scientific experiments require a high level of accuracy and sometimes when the amount of chemicals is more or less, it might lead to the entire experiment failing. If you are doing a large scale research project, accuracy becomes all the more important, and when dealing with hazardous chemicals and substances, negligence can have serious consequences. With these five tools, we are able to harness science to our benefits more easily.

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