Why Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was a disappointment

When J.K. Rowling announced that she was writing a full-length play about Harry Potter’s children that would be released in book form, people were thrilled and excited. Those who grew up reading Harry Potter couldn’t wait to read the next installment.

The importance of Harry Potter

Harry Potter has played a huge role in the childhoods of a large number of people all over the world. We grew up perusing these books, longing for the wonderful world of wizardry and the school named Hogwarts, where children like us went to learn enchantment. Our youths were brimming with robes, wands, and magic spells yelled into the air at companions. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were our imaginary friends and favorite icons. We all sat around waiting for our letter of acceptance to come so we could be whisked away to the magical world that felt so much like home.

The letter never came, and we continued onward. We enveloped ourselves in the books and motion pictures, again and again, looking forward to each new release. J.K. Rowling and her wondrous universe of enchantment, adventure, and friendship gave many shy children a second home. These accounts and characters helped shape many of our identities, and still affect our lives many years later.

Finally, after nine years, we were all eagerly awaiting a new installment of Harry Potter. But when it arrived, all we got was a rather messy, crazy play about characters who were simply not the companions we grew up with.

There are definitely a couple of issues that remain to be worked out with J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and Paul Tiffany. If you haven’t read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, beware, because this next section contains some spoilers.

The plot

Our main protest about this story is the plot, which is essentially a composition of crazy fan fiction thoughts folded together into one play. It feels like the creators just viewed a couple of the films, read a bit of fan fiction, and threw together several of the plotlines concerning Harry Potter’s son, Albus Severus Potter.

The whole plot revolves around time turners, which are an exceptionally interesting issue among Harry Potter fans due to their moderate absence from the first books and motion pictures. Many avid readers felt that they weren’t used well, and many fans composed stories in which time turners were used to modify the events of the world.

In a quick summary, there were a whole lot of things wrong with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It was a long shot from the series of books we know and love, and a baffling expansion to the Harry Potter world. Despite the fact that it was still pleasant to return to a world that is so near and dear to our hearts, the plot was frail and the characters were not well developed. We will always have a soft spot in our hearts for everything Harry Potter related, but this book was a big disappointment for the fans.

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